Vespula vulgaris, known as the common wasp, is found in various regions, including the United Kingdom. It is sometimes known as the European wasp, but the same name is used for the species Vespula germanica, which is also known as the German wasp. Another name for Vespula vulgaris is the common yellow-jacket. (source wikipedia)
If you come across one of these beautiful insect or a nest....leave them be, unless they pose a direct threat to the public. Wasps are very useful and are a very effective ally for any gardener. More information at:
For Wasp nest removal or eradication, please send an Email to : or use the contact form. Alternatively, text 07462897203
We charge £68.00 plus mileage. If any building work is involved, our partner builder will charge the extra work as his own rate.
The European hornet (Vespa crabro) is the largest social wasp native from Europe. A very shy and gentle giant not to disturb. These are majestic hymenoptera, mainly carnivorous and hunt various insects such as large moths, dragonflies, and mantises. They also feed on fallen fruit and other sources of sugary food. As well as the common wasp, they are an important part of the ecosystem, leave them be unless they pose a threat!
For European Hornets nest removal or eradication, please send an Email to : or use the contact form. Alternatively, text 07462897203
We charge £132.00 plus mileage. If any building work is involved, our partner builder will charge the extra work as his own rate.
Vespa velutina, the 'Asian hornet' is an invasive non-native species from Asia. It arrives in France in 2004. The Asian hornet is a predator and can cause significant losses to bee colonies or even wipe them out.
It is expected to be found in numbers in southern parts of England. The Asian hornet is active between April and November (peak August/September).
If spotted it needs to be reported immediately, through the following:
If it is SAFE to do so, samples can be sent
More Information at
For more information on Asian Hornets control or if you encounter a nest, please send an Email to : or use the contact form. Alternatively, text 07462897203
Pictures: Courtesy of Franck Picard
Pictures: Courtesy of Franck Picard